
Open Community Mentoring

Open Community Mentoring

To provide our services to boys not attending school at one of our partner locations, we hold biweekly evening meetings that are open to all San Diego boys interested in attending.

The Open Community Group follows the same meeting structure as our in-school groups; however, this group is typically comprised of high school boys as well as alumni program participants. Because of this, the group tends to discuss more mature topics.

We also utilize the Open Community Group to train new volunteer mentors because the groups tend to run smoother since the boys are more experienced with the structure of our meetings. In addition, all Journeymen, both present and alumni, are invited to attend these meetings keeping all of our Boys to Men community connected no matter where they are in life.

Parents and guardians interested in their young man attending these groups are encouraged to call our office (619-469-9599) to speak directly to a staff member to determine if the Open Community Group will be a good fit.

We currently offer two (2) Open Community Groups located in North and East County.